How Home Staging Can Increase Your Selling Price by Up to 10% or More


Home staging is a process where you prepare your home for sale by furnishing and decorating it to highlight its best features and create a positive impression. According to studies, staging a home can make it easier for buyers to visualize themselves living in it and can significantly decrease the time it takes to sell. To increase your selling price by up to 10% or more, experts recommend decluttering and depersonalizing your space, ensuring your home is clean and in good condition, updating and refreshing its look, highlighting its best features, and creating a positive and inviting atmosphere. By following these tips, you can make your home more appealing to potential buyers and potentially earn a higher selling price.

Increase Your Selling Price by Up to 10% with Home Staging

If you are planning to sell your home, you might be wondering how to make it more appealing to potential buyers. One of the most effective ways to do that is by staging your home, which means preparing it for sale by temporarily furnishing and decorating it to highlight its best features and create a positive impression.

How Home Staging Can Increase Your Selling Price by Up to 10% or More

Home staging can have a significant impact on your selling price and time on the market. According to a survey by the National Association of Realtors, 83% of buyers’ agents said that staging a home made it easier for buyers to visualize themselves living in it, and 40% said that it affected most buyers’ view of the home. Another study by the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA) found that staged homes sold 73% faster than non-staged homes.

So how can you stage your home to increase your selling price by up to 10% or more? Here are some tips from the experts:

Declutter and Depersonalize

The first step of home staging is to get rid of any excess items, personal belongings, and clutter that might distract or deter buyers. You want to create a clean, spacious, and neutral environment that allows buyers to focus on the features of the home and imagine themselves living there. You can use storage containers, baskets, or boxes to organize and hide your stuff, or rent a storage unit if you need more space.

Clean and Repair

The next step is to make sure your home is spotless and in good condition. You don’t want buyers to see any dirt, dust, stains, odors, or damages that might lower their perception of the value of your home. You can hire a professional cleaning service or do it yourself, but make sure to pay attention to every detail, from the floors to the ceilings, and from the inside to the outside. You should also fix any minor issues, such as leaky faucets, squeaky doors, loose knobs, or chipped paint, that might give buyers a negative impression.

Update and Refresh  

The third step is to give your home a modern and fresh look that appeals to the current trends and tastes of buyers. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on major renovations, but you can make some simple and inexpensive changes that can make a big difference. For example, you can paint the walls a neutral and light color, such as white, beige, or gray, to make the rooms look bigger and brighter. 

You can also replace outdated fixtures, hardware, or appliances with newer and more energy-efficient ones. You can also add some pops of color and texture with accessories, such as pillows, rugs, curtains, or artwork, to create some visual interest and warmth.

Highlight and Accentuate

The fourth step is to showcase the best features and benefits of your home and make them stand out to buyers. You want to draw attention to the aspects of your home that make it unique, desirable, and valuable, such as the view, the fireplace, the hardwood floors, the high ceilings, or the spacious closets. You can use furniture, lighting, plants, or mirrors to enhance and emphasize these features and create focal points in each room. You can also arrange the furniture in a way that maximizes the space and the flow of the room, and that shows the potential and functionality of each area.

Create and Set the Mood

The final step is to create a positive and inviting atmosphere that makes buyers feel comfortable and at home. You want to appeal to their emotions and senses, and make them fall in love with your home. You can use candles, diffusers, or fresh flowers to add some pleasant scents and aromas to your home. You can also play some soft and relaxing music in the background to create some ambiance. You can also set the table, make the bed, or display some magazines or books to make your home look lived-in and cozy.


Home staging is not just a cosmetic process, but a strategic one that can help you sell your home faster and for more money. By following these tips, you can transform your home into a showpiece that attracts and impresses buyers, and that increases your selling price by up to 10% or more.


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